
Wren Academy is a Church of England school sponsored by the London Diocesan Board for Schools and Berkhamsted School.  The Academy is founded on Christian principles and is both a community school, meeting the needs of local residents and an Academy which serves the children of the Christian community in the area.

The Admissions Policies of the Academy seek a balance between those who come from a Christian background and those who come from other faith or no faith backgrounds.  We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and faith traditions.  We do however expect that everyone who comes to Wren Academy, will be fully supportive of the school as a Christian foundation.  This is in line with our aim to be a distinctive school, but also an inclusive school.

The Academy takes part in the Pan-London Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme.  To make an application, you need to complete an online application for your child through the e-admissions website www.eadmissions.org.uk.  All applicants are considered for Community places.  If you also wish to be considered for a Foundation (Christian Church) place, you will need to complete the Wren Academy Supplementary Information Form.


  • 12 July Prize giving 2024 underway. pic.twitter.com/xvExVCDyd6— Wren Academy () July 12, 2024
  • 9 July Activities Week 2024 Day 27 Piccadilly, Holborn and Bow enjoying and the nearby castle pic.twitter.com/6tT6oZJuic— Wren Academy () July 9, 2024
  • 9 July Activities Week 2024 Day 2More fun for yr 8 building teamwork. pic.twitter.com/KKSp4ivAYb— Wren Academy () July 9, 2024
  • 9 July Year 9 Battlefields Trip: Our students continue to explore Ypres and the Battlefields including the Menin Gate ceremony. pic.twitter.com/LFDpKlPgml— Wren Academy () July 9, 2024
  • 9 July Great to see our yr 12 and 10 students doing so well on the silver award expedition Read more— Wren Academy () July 9, 2024
  • 8 July Year 9 Battlefields Trip: So far we have paid a pilgrimage to the grave of a students' relative, and were honoured to meet veterans of the Canadian legion. pic.twitter.com/5783ITfyaP— Wren Academy () July 8, 2024
  • 8 July Silver update: Teams having lunch and taking in the views at the Monument (minus the scaffolding). Read more pic.twitter.com/h3iO39Y8J6— Wren Academy Finchley DofE () July 8, 2024
  • 8 July Silver update: More action shots as the groups are remotely supervised by assessors at checkpoints. Read more pic.twitter.com/rbpbZ5eecE— Wren Academy Finchley DofE () July 8, 2024
  • 8 July Activities Week 2024 7 Ludgate and 7 Walbrook enjoy grounds— Wren Academy () July 8, 2024
  • 8 July Activities Week 2024Y8 quick rope pic.twitter.com/mmeVoa2RiP— Wren Academy () July 8, 2024
  • 8 July Silver update: more progress. Read more pic.twitter.com/HVJSuvu1PK— Wren Academy Finchley DofE () July 8, 2024
  • 8 July Activities Week 2024Humanities Teams trying to save their island pic.twitter.com/JBOYdjUAU7— Wren Academy () July 8, 2024